The port of Murmansk is situated in the Kola Inlet of the Barents Sea,
between the capes of Mishukov and Abram. It has communication with the
rest of the country by air, rail, motorways and the Arctic Sea Route.
The commercial port of Murmansk handles various import and export
cargoes. The exports are mostly dry ulk cargoes which are products of
industrial enterprises of the Kola Peninsula. ю large share in the
traffic belongs to Khibiny apatite concentrate which is noted for Ю high
content of phosphoric anhydride and Kovdor and Olenegorsk ironore
concentrate. The main destinations of export
traffic are Baltic ports, Norway, Cuba, the USA and Canada.
There are nН steady import cargo flows in the port. The most stable
import traffic is fish products from Iceland. The port of Murmansk ships
various cargoes by the Arctic Sea Route to destinations along the Arctic
coast of the Soviet Union, while products of the Norilsk Group of Mining
and Metal-Working Enter- prises arrive in Murmansk for customers of the
Kola Peninsula and other areas.